There are a lot of theories about the development. Almost all the theories of the development provide us with a framework for the growth as well as learning abilities of the students. If you are able to understand these theories in an effective way, then you will be able to motivate the human thoughts. To understand the different theories and the practices of development is not an easy task for the students. If a student is facing some problems in this regard, then he/she can get help from the academic writing services. Here, we will discuss the theories and the practices of development.
1) Freud’s development theory
Sigmund Freud was a famous neurologist and he was born in Austria in 1856. Freud was born in a poor family and his family belongs to the Jewish religion. Freud had published a lot of books during his life. One of the most famous publications of the Freud is the “The Ego and the Id”. It was published in 1923. The main cause of his fame was the psychosexual development theory. This theory consists of the five main stages. These five main stages are discussed below;
A) The first stage of his theory is known as the oral stage. At this stage, he has explained all the challenges that are faced by the parents and the children during the first 18 months from the birth of a child.
B) The second stage of his theory is known as the anal stage. In the anal stage, he has explained some important tips to focus on the pleasures of the children from the 18 months to the 3 years.
C) The third stage of his theory is known as the Phallic stage. According to him, during the phallic stage (The duration of the child from the 3 years to the 6 years), there occurs a lot of sexual desires in the mind of a child. He has also explained that these desires occur unconsciously.
D) The third stage of his theory is known as the latency stage. During the latency stage, the sexual desires among the children remain repressed at the same stage as these were during the phallic stage.
E) The last stage is known as the genital stage. During the genital stage, they are interested to switch with the members of the opposite sex.
2) Erikson’s development theory
Erikson was a great theorist and he had modified the Freud psychosexual development theory. Erikson had made some positive contributions by providing the positive ideas almost at each stage of the development theory. The Erikson’s development theory consists of the eight stages that are given below;
A) The first stage of the Erikson’s theory provides us with a clear difference between the trust and in trust.
B) At the second stage, he has provided some points in order to get an idea of the autonomy vs shame.
C) Thirdly, he has explained the difference between initiative and guilt.
D) Fourthly, there comes the difference between industry and inferiority.
E) At the fifth stage, he has provided the difference between identity and the role confusion.
1) Freud’s development theory
Sigmund Freud was a famous neurologist and he was born in Austria in 1856. Freud was born in a poor family and his family belongs to the Jewish religion. Freud had published a lot of books during his life. One of the most famous publications of the Freud is the “The Ego and the Id”. It was published in 1923. The main cause of his fame was the psychosexual development theory. This theory consists of the five main stages. These five main stages are discussed below;
A) The first stage of his theory is known as the oral stage. At this stage, he has explained all the challenges that are faced by the parents and the children during the first 18 months from the birth of a child.
B) The second stage of his theory is known as the anal stage. In the anal stage, he has explained some important tips to focus on the pleasures of the children from the 18 months to the 3 years.
C) The third stage of his theory is known as the Phallic stage. According to him, during the phallic stage (The duration of the child from the 3 years to the 6 years), there occurs a lot of sexual desires in the mind of a child. He has also explained that these desires occur unconsciously.
D) The third stage of his theory is known as the latency stage. During the latency stage, the sexual desires among the children remain repressed at the same stage as these were during the phallic stage.
E) The last stage is known as the genital stage. During the genital stage, they are interested to switch with the members of the opposite sex.
2) Erikson’s development theory
Erikson was a great theorist and he had modified the Freud psychosexual development theory. Erikson had made some positive contributions by providing the positive ideas almost at each stage of the development theory. The Erikson’s development theory consists of the eight stages that are given below;
A) The first stage of the Erikson’s theory provides us with a clear difference between the trust and in trust.
B) At the second stage, he has provided some points in order to get an idea of the autonomy vs shame.
C) Thirdly, he has explained the difference between initiative and guilt.
D) Fourthly, there comes the difference between industry and inferiority.
E) At the fifth stage, he has provided the difference between identity and the role confusion.